Webflow SEO for Multilingual Sites

Published on May 21, 2024 by Simon ROBIC

Optimizing your Webflow site for SEO when using multiple languages can significantly enhance your global visibility and attract a diverse audience. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to optimize your multilingual Webflow site for search engines, ensuring each language version performs well in search results.

Understanding Multilingual SEO

Multilingual SEO involves optimizing your website to rank well in search engines across different languages and regions. It ensures that your content is discoverable and accessible to users who speak different languages, providing a localized experience that improves user engagement and satisfaction.

Key Strategies for Multilingual SEO in Webflow

1. Structure Your Multilingual Site Correctly

The way you structure your multilingual site impacts how search engines crawl and index your content. There are three primary methods to structure a multilingual site:

  • Subdomains: Create subdomains for each language (e.g., en.yourwebsite.com, fr.yourwebsite.com).
  • Subdirectories: Use subdirectories for each language (e.g., yourwebsite.com/en/, yourwebsite.com/fr/).
  • TLDs (Top-Level Domains): Use separate domains for each language (e.g., yourwebsite.com for English, yourwebsite.fr for French).

Recommended Approach: Subdirectories are generally easier to manage and more SEO-friendly compared to subdomains and TLDs.

2. Implement Hreflang Tags

Hreflang tags inform search engines about the language and geographical targeting of a webpage. They help prevent duplicate content issues and ensure that users are directed to the correct language version of your site.

How to Add Hreflang Tags in Webflow:

  1. Access Page Settings: Open the Webflow Designer and go to the page settings of the relevant page.
  2. Add Custom Code: In the "Custom Code" section, add the hreflang tags in the head section.


<link rel="alternate" href="https://yourwebsite.com/en/" hreflang="en" />
<link rel="alternate" href="https://yourwebsite.com/fr/" hreflang="fr" />

Ensure you include hreflang tags for each language version of the page and a self-referencing hreflang tag.

3. Optimize Meta Tags for Each Language

Each language version of your site should have unique meta tags that are properly optimized for the target audience.

Best Practices:

  • Title Tags: Include relevant keywords and make sure the title tag is compelling and descriptive.
  • Meta Descriptions: Write unique meta descriptions that include relevant keywords and a call-to-action (CTA).

Example for English:

  • Title Tag: "Webflow SEO for Multilingual Sites | Optimize Your Site"
  • Meta Description: "Learn how to optimize your Webflow site for SEO when using multiple languages. Enhance your global visibility with our expert tips."

Example for French:

  • Title Tag: "SEO Webflow pour Sites Multilingues | Optimisez Votre Site"
  • Meta Description: "Découvrez comment optimiser votre site Webflow pour le SEO en utilisant plusieurs langues. Améliorez votre visibilité mondiale avec nos conseils d'experts."

Create SEO-Optimised Meta Descriptions for your Webflow Articles and Pages with our Free Generator

4. Create Localized Content

High-quality, localized content is crucial for multilingual SEO. Ensure that each language version of your site has content that is culturally relevant and accurately translated.


  • Professional Translation: Use professional translators to ensure accuracy and cultural relevance.
  • Localized Keywords: Conduct keyword research for each target language to identify relevant keywords.
  • Unique Content: Avoid direct translations and instead create unique content tailored to each audience.

5. Optimize URL Structures

Ensure that the URL structure is clear and descriptive for each language version. Use language indicators in the URLs to help both users and search engines understand the content's language.


  • English: https://yourwebsite.com/en/webflow-seo-multilingual
  • French: https://yourwebsite.com/fr/seo-webflow-multilingue

6. Leverage Geo-Targeting in Google Search Console

Use Google Search Console to set geographic targets for each language version of your site. This helps Google understand which users to show your content to.


  1. Add Property: Ensure each language version is added as a property in Google Search Console.
  2. Set Geo-Targeting: Go to "Settings" > "International Targeting" and set the geographic target for each property.

7. Ensure Mobile-Friendliness

With Google's mobile-first indexing, it’s essential that all language versions of your site are mobile-friendly. Use responsive design to ensure your site looks and functions well on all devices.


  • Responsive Design: Use Webflow’s responsive design tools to ensure a seamless experience across devices.
  • Mobile Usability: Regularly test your site on various mobile devices to ensure usability.

8. Monitor and Analyze Performance

Regularly monitor the performance of each language version of your site to identify areas for improvement.


  • Google Analytics: Track site traffic, user behavior, and conversions for each language version.
  • Google Search Console: Monitor indexing status, search performance, and any issues for each property.


Optimizing your Webflow site for multiple languages involves several strategic steps, from structuring your site correctly and implementing hreflang tags to creating localized content and monitoring performance. By following these best practices, you can enhance your site's global visibility, attract a diverse audience, and improve your search engine rankings.

Remember, multilingual SEO is an ongoing process that requires regular updates and attention. Stay informed about the latest SEO trends and best practices to maintain and improve your site's performance across different languages and regions. By mastering these techniques, you can ensure your Webflow site effectively reaches and engages a global audience.